ios 15.01 after capturing AR content in QLPreviewController the background is black, only 3D model is visible

In preview, the 3D model is visible in the background but once the camera button is pressed the image in the screenshot is just the 3D model with a black background which is also saved. QLPreviewController implementation:

`func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        thumbnailIndex = indexPath.item
        let previewController = QLPreviewController()
        previewController.dataSource = self
        previewController.delegate = self
        present(previewController, animated: true)
    func numberOfPreviewItems(in controller: QLPreviewController) -> Int {
        return 1
    func previewController(_ controller: QLPreviewController, previewItemAt index: Int) -> QLPreviewItem {
        let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: models[thumbnailIndex], withExtension: "usdz")!
        return url as QLPreviewItem

console output is:

2021-10-07 21:26:30.567439+0200 CPARTest[522:28543] Writing analzed variants.
2021-10-07 21:26:30.620474+0200 CPARTest[522:28738] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2021-10-07 21:26:30.621447+0200 CPARTest[522:28543] Writing analzed variants.
2021-10-07 21:26:30.623724+0200 CPARTest[522:28738] Metal API Validation Enabled
<SCNNode: 0x280e04d00 | no child> -> <ARImageAnchor: 0x2809085b0 identifier="64834AA5-7912-1102-CCC2-77992D9D8FE0" transform=<translation=(0.239411 -0.028021 0.027675) rotation=(84.68° -98.90° -2.02°)> referenceImage=<ARReferenceImage: 0x281600a80 name="cake" physicalSize=(0.050, 0.050)> tracked=YES>
2021-10-07 21:26:34.972808+0200 CPARTest[522:28772] [Session] ARSession <0x104c1ff70>: ARSessionDelegate is retaining 11 ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped.
2021-10-07 21:26:34.989003+0200 CPARTest[522:28741] [Session] ARSession <0x104c1ff70>: ARSessionDelegate is retaining 12 ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped.
2021-10-07 21:26:35.006186+0200 CPARTest[522:28772] [Session] ARSession <0x104c1ff70>: ARSessionDelegate is retaining 13 ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped.
2021-10-07 21:26:35.023000+0200 CPARTest[522:28750] [Session] ARSession <0x104c1ff70>: ARSessionDelegate is retaining 14 ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped.
2021-10-07 21:26:35.039644+0200 CPARTest[522:28739] [Session] ARSession <0x104c1ff70>: ARSessionDelegate is retaining 15 ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped.
2021-10-07 21:26:35.537424+0200 CPARTest[522:28741] [default] [self.extensionContext conformsToProtocol:auxHostProtocol.protocol] - /Library/Caches/ Class QLPreviewExtensionHostContext does not conform to aux host protocol: QLRemotePreviewHost

It is possible to test this problem by opening AR model from and taking photo of it.

Has the problem of the black background when taking a picture with the AR Quick look function in iOS 15 been resolved? I think it's a rather serious bug.

Hi, this is a known issue and the AR Quick Look team is investigating it.

ios 15.01 after capturing AR content in QLPreviewController the background is black, only 3D model is visible