Cannot upload ipa file through shell script

Running the following command:

xcrun altool --upload-app --type tvos --file "{IPA_PATH}" --username "{APPLE_ID}" --password "{PASSWORD}"

Results in this error message:

*** Error: Exception caught. Exception caught: *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: cfBundleVersion) (-1010)

I am running the latest XCode 13. altool's version is 4.059.1219. Same build can be uploaded as normal through XCode's UI. Same command was working as expected on the latest Xcode 12.

Answered by spasbil in 690611022

Running validate-app gave me a proper error and I was able to resolve my issue.

xcrun altool --validate-app --type ios --file {IPA_PATH} --username "{APPLE_ID}" --password "{PASSWORD}"
** Error: Validation failed for '{IPA_PATH}'.
*** Error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘{BUNDLE_ID}’ is correct. App Store operation failed. (-19000)

The issue in my case was that the uploader account didn't have access to our new Apple Developer Account. Hope this helps you too!

PS: In my original question I posted the wrong type it should have been ios and not tvos. The output is the same though.

I have the same problem.

you need to add the missing type to the command -t ios. --> xcrun altool --upload-app -t ios

same problem.

xcodebuild clean archive -archivePath "../dist/$OUTARCHIVE" -scheme $TARGET -quiet -workspace ____ -destination generic/platform=iOS

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath "../dist/$OUTARCHIVE" -exportPath "../dist/$OUTIPA" -exportOptionsPlist ./export.plist

xcrun altool --type ios --upload-app --file "../dist/$OUTIPA" --username ____ --password ______

Tried to add


to export.plist. No luck.

CFBundleVersion is present in original info.plist as well.

Generated IPA payload contains binary info.plist. CFBundleVersion is also present

Export / Upload to appstore works correctly within XCode itself.

Accepted Answer

Running validate-app gave me a proper error and I was able to resolve my issue.

xcrun altool --validate-app --type ios --file {IPA_PATH} --username "{APPLE_ID}" --password "{PASSWORD}"
** Error: Validation failed for '{IPA_PATH}'.
*** Error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘{BUNDLE_ID}’ is correct. App Store operation failed. (-19000)

The issue in my case was that the uploader account didn't have access to our new Apple Developer Account. Hope this helps you too!

PS: In my original question I posted the wrong type it should have been ios and not tvos. The output is the same though.

you will need access to cloud-managed distribution certs as well, in user and permissions

I have the same issue and I found that the file path can be only supporting the relative path. Absolute path could make it file not found. i.e. xcrun altool --type ios --upload-app --file ./dist/$OUTIPA --username ____ --password ______

Cannot upload ipa file through shell script