App Store Connect API is very slow

I am using the App Store Connect API to receive information about my app. I have noticed that the API is so extremely slow. Are there any tipps to speed up the requests? Take this request for example:

To me, this seems like a pretty straightforward request. Out of all build, get the latest one and return it. However, this request takes between 3 and 5 seconds. I need to send this request for each of my apps, so getting the builds alone can take up to 20 seconds which is not acceptable.

Other requests are very slow as well. For simple requests like that I expect response times within a couple of hundreds milliseconds. Am I missing something? I have used Postman to send the request. I did not send any additional headers, only the Authorisation one.

Financial reports are also always very very slow. Absolutely painful.

A 1 trillion dollar company cant ever provide a fast loading page. phatetic they are really all about their ******* money.

I think they must be deliberately using lower speed distribution to prioritize bandwidth to their user-centric services. It should be seen as an uncompetitive practice in breach of US Antitrust Laws, considering to this day they have not provided an explanation, and I have noticed this problem for over 5 years now. Access to their APIs for developers to create their own apps is essentially being used as a way to corner the market and eliminate competition from those programmers to develop for other platforms. If the developers are stuck on Apple's pages for 5 more minutes per day when they need to be there, they will have less time to provide similar apps on other platforms.

App Store Connect API is very slow