iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development

Since I upgraded to iOS 15, watchOS 8 and Xcode 13, after I turned off and on my Mac, every first time I want to launch an app from Xcode to my iPhone appear this message (even if I'm not developing for watchOS):

iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development

The Mac stays stuck on it for at least 20 minutes.

The only solution I found (until now) is to switch off WiFi on my Watch.

Is there a better solution?

I have tried shutting down wifi/bluetooth or both, it's still not working for me :-( The directory /Users/me/Library/Xcode/ doesn't even exist for me yet. All my devices are upgraded to the latest version (except my mac only has latest Big Sur). I have paid for Apple development program but I haven't been able to debug AR apps on my iPhone yet because of this (sometimes get the warning to reconnect it, still Xcode doesn't respond when I do... yet another bug??)

reset your phone network and it will fix

reset your phone network and it will fix

Hi Apple... why are we seeing this when 99% of us aren't building Apple Watch targets?

This issue is fixed in Xcode 14 Beta 4!

Experiencing same issue, very bothering

This is what everybody should see when they try to speak of premium quality of apple products.

Ports are open, nc can connect to phone, but after a while xcode can't connect to phone even with ip address. Then it can't local support files for f..ng watches, even though I do not target them. Apple just can't do networking.

The only solution for me was:

  • Unpair iPhone from Xcode (in Devices & Simulators)
  • Unplug iPhone
  • Switch OFF and keep OFF the Watch
  • Plug iPhone and Pair again with Xcode

This is a really bad issue. In order to get some work done, you have to switch off your AppleWatch???? Apple??? TF?

Go to settings on iPhone and turn off Bluetooth from there made the app run.

Started happening recently for me. Watch, iPhone, Xcode and MacOS are all on the latest. Has anyone had any response from Apple Developer support?

Well I'm submitting a report via Feedback assistant. I don't expect much result.

Same here! Always stucked with random message (usually "Waiting for first unlock" which is definitely not the case). Everything on latest version. Did not find any reliable procedure how to recover from this. Just restarting all devices all the time...and it finally somehow happen (Just waiting for 20 mins. also does not work for me). I'm totally disgusted of this, it takes so much time.

I used to develop for Android many years an I was always disapointed of the state of the platform. But my appologies to Google! What I see here is unbeliveble...and it is closed ecosystem. Can't imagine how would Apple manage so fragmented platform as Android is...

Same here, for months. Well, all I can say is, whosoever has actually managed to deploy an Apple Watch app deserves a medal for persistence. The eco system is totally broken, inconsistent, and unreliable - You're a multi-billion dollar company Apple - why can't you fix your ecosystem. I've got all Modern Apple hardware, all updates, all by the book, and I STILL can't get the Mac Pro, iPhone, Apple Watch, Xcode ecosystem to connect consistently and fulfil a simple dev task - All I want is an Hello World App!!!

Make sure to respond to the 'Trust this computer?' prompt on your Watch

Yeah, Apple, as usual, does not give shit about these feedbacks

Same issue, all devices updated. Cannot debug any code running on Apple Watch.

This ******* bug has been gone for months until i upgrade my iPhone, iPad and Mac to the latest version today. GUESS WHAT?



This makes watch development a real pain.

Having similar issue with WatchOS 9.5 - Apple Watch Ultra, Xcode 14.3 and iOS 16.5

Stuck on a screen with this message for more than 20 minutes.

"Please select a different device, or wait for the device to load development services and try again."

I had the same issue, and I found a solution that helped me.



It helped me to download appropriate version of DeviceSupport from https://github.com/JinjunHan/iOSDeviceSupport.

And place it inside my Xcode package contents open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport

iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development