iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development

Since I upgraded to iOS 15, watchOS 8 and Xcode 13, after I turned off and on my Mac, every first time I want to launch an app from Xcode to my iPhone appear this message (even if I'm not developing for watchOS):

iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development

The Mac stays stuck on it for at least 20 minutes.

The only solution I found (until now) is to switch off WiFi on my Watch.

Is there a better solution?

Restarting XCode fixed that for me

Still getting this issue with Xcode 13.2.1. Please give me an option to just completely disable any form of connection with the Apple Watch from within Xcode, I don't want it to be used for development in any way. I'm sick of sitting down to do development work and having this pop up appear.

I don't know why this is still a problem after several months, it doesn't exactly paint a great light of Apple's internal QA processes.

I am also facing the exact issue and have tried:

  1. Unplugging, Replugging
  2. Unpairing, Repairing
  3. Restarting

Nothing works. I cannot run an app that does not even need the Watch.

This is absolutely ridiculous and needs to get resolved. I've been dealing with this issue for months now. I'm running the following: iOS 15.3.1 WatchOS 8.4.2. Xcode 13.2.1

The only way that I can fix this issue is by completely turning my watch off. I've tried all of the suggestions.

  • Airplane Mode
  • Let the Symbols get Built. It just keeps giving the same message if you let it
  • Re-pairing
  • Re-trusting computer

This is literally making my watch useless. I don't use it for development.


I have the same problem. Ruins development completely.

This issue still persist on MAC OS Monterey 12.2.1 - XCODE 13.2.1.

If anyone knows any way to bypass this issue, sharing it would really be appreciated! So freaking annoying that i can't test on my device.

I have the same problem, while I just need to deploy app to phone, no need to do anything with my watch, but xcode always stuck and say it will make watch ready for me? why? who need?

Close XCode

Disable bluetooth on iPhone

Unplug iPhone

Replug iPhone

Restart XCode

Should be ok now, so enable bluetooth on iPhone.

This is sad - months have gone by without a fix from Apple. Anyone working on their QA team anymore?

It is not in Apple's DNA to be developer friendly. THEY DO NOT CARE. Look at the number of upvotes and no response from Apple.

Every time there is an XCode update I am stuck with this. I am not using the freaking Apple watch for development. Why is it making my watch ready for hours?

How is this behavior acceptable to Apple? Apple is too big to care needs to be split up so that we have more competition and better support.

Really Apple devs I can't decide are you just stupid or just don't care.

I've had the same problem. What fixed it for me is putting my watch into Airplane mode, but leaving the bluetooth enabled. It was then on the "Preparing..." step for a LONG time, but eventually completed successfully. I'm guessing that it's trying to use WiFi if available and must be timing out.

NOTE: I've used this same trick to get my Apple Watch 3 to update to the last couple of OS updates too.

Try unfair iphone and apple watch! I solved it with that way. it is not the best way to solve the problem... but i can't find another way to solve it.

Sometimes the unplugging and turning off bluetooth works. Sometimes it does not. Currently I am trying again to get Xcode to open my app on my phone and it just does not want to. Really really frustrating. So Apple... If you are reading this... there a quite a few developers here having the same issue. Please fix this! PLEASE :)

Turning off Bluetooth on my Apple watch solved it for me. Who needs Bluetooth in 2022 anyway?

Same problem here :/

I have the same problem. Sad that APPLE does not fix this or admit this problem.

Developers community is absolutely sick of this issue.

This is nuts, this issue has been around far too long. There have been updates to phone, watch, xcode and macOS. There's no reason they cant fix this.

Why is it running this so frequently? Surely it only needs to prepare it one time?

We're not even developing for watch, why isn't there an option to just disable preparing the watch?

I have my phone in airplane mode and it still shows up.

Whats the point in me having a smart watch, if I have to cripple it just so I can work. This has to be fixed. Perhaps we should return our watches and demand a refund until Apple gets the message that it needs to be resolved.

The solution is to let it run for 20+ minutes until it finishes, and NEVER close Xcode. If/when Xcode crashes, you must wait another 20 minutes. I am sitting here doing nothing instead of working because my watch is being prepared for development... again.... sigh..

Apple, if you're set on forcing this every time, at least make the process fast. Takes 20+ minutes on a brand new M1 MacBook.

This issue is wasting millions of hours of developers time worldwide. Please fix.

an option to disable apple watch from development should be added

Infuriating. Coming back to play at iOS development years later and there's so many frustrating quirks like this. Third major issue I've hit when trying to run basic Apple-provided example code.

Restart both Iphone and Apple Watch. After restarting, make sure your both devices are unlocked then try again to run the Xcode project. if this don't help, switch off Apple Watch and try to run the Xcode project again for Iphone. If this don't help, make sure you haven't changed your Apple Id password recently. In case you did so, try to login from Xcode - Preferences - Account.

Trying all those mentioned above, helped me.

+1 on this being an issue

Today is April 24 2022 and this problem is still existing on the newest Xcode 12.3.1.

The "seconds" saved by your complier optimized are all payed back with "minutes".

So I guess we iOS developers should NOT purchase any Apple Watch in the future?

iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development