The documentation to NSFileProviderManager.signalEnumerator(for:)
Alerts the system to changes in the specified folder’s content.
and headers says:
Set the containerItemIdentifier to the identifier of the enumerated container that was specified in
-[NSFileProviderExtension enumeratorForContainerItemIdentifier:error:]
from that, I understand the parameter is any container identifier that returns valid NSFileProviderEnumerator
I think I tried everything already, and it just doesn't seem to work this way. The only container that seems to work is .workingSet
I'm not sure whether it suppose to work with anything else than workingSet
container, or I'm missing some important part that makes it happen. Does anyone have a sample that works with eg. rootContainer?
help. I'm loosing on this one.
I tested this with the sample app provided by Apple from and as soon as I modify it to signal anything else than workingSet, signaling stop working.
I tried to signal using fileproviderctl
CLI tool, and the effect is the same. only working set container is triggered
This problem is reported with number FB9673209