Transaction data returned by calling interface is null. Invoke the inApps/v1/history interface.

  1. our app integrates Apple Pay, and after the user pays successfully, our server obtains the original_transaction_id.
  2. after we get the original_transaction_id, we call.

The interface. 3.Url of request: 4.The response result is: {"revision":"0","bundleId":"","appAppleId":1552575331,"environment":"Production","hasMore":false,"signedTransactions":[]} 5.Why is the result of signedTransactions empty?

The In-App Purchase history API only returns auto-renewable subscriptions, non-renewing subscriptions, and nonconsumables. Fulfilled consumables are not included. If your customer has only purchased consumables, an empty response from this API would be expected.

So the only way to notify "consumable purchase refund" is "App Store Server Notifications" .

And we have only one chance to receive it?

Transaction data returned by calling interface is null. Invoke the inApps/v1/history interface.