Bypass VPN confirmation dialog when using an MDM

We are developing a content filter using the NETransparentProxyProvider. It uses Apple's VPN framework therefore displays a confirmation dialog saying [Software] Would Like to Add Proxy Configurations during installation.

This is generally ok, but undesirable when the software is being deployed via a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system as the users can simply click Don't Allow and block the installation.

Is there a way to bypass that dialog when using an MDM?

We are developing a content filter using NETransparentProxyProvider

Note my comment on your other thread.


Is there a way to bypass that dialog when using an MDM?

For specific types of content filters there are options to bypass the network configuration prompt, but for App Proxy Providers there is not. This would be an Enhancement Request.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS

For future reference, here is the reply from Apple to my enhancement request:

Create a profile payload with VPNSubType set to your app’s bundle identifier and ProviderType set to app-proxy in the VPN dictionary. Please see for details.

Create a profile payload with VPNSubType set to your app’s bundle identifier and ProviderType set to app-proxy in the VPN dictionary. Please see for details.

And setting your configuration profile in the way allowed your NETransparentProxyProvider to auto-allow the network configuration prompt?

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS

Hey @matt, we are using NEPacketTunnelProvider to enable VPN in our application. I would like to know if we can bypass the System dialog to add VPN configuration. I tried to add vpn profile using Apple configurator but it didn't work out. Is MDM the only solution?


Bypass VPN confirmation dialog when using an MDM