shortcuts adress with wrong character

Hi, I have a shortcuts that check the actual position and save the adress inside a dropbox .txt file. It load this adress on the next run to compare to actual position...

It works well, exept that sometimes it gives me an error and its due to the spelling inside the file. The adresse looks like: MontrÅ©al and it supposed to be Montréal.

Why ? I takes the adresse and turn it into text before to save to prevent that...any idea how to solve that?


It looks as if UTF-8 bytes shown as ISO-8859-1. Can you show the details of your Shortcuts?

here the link, check where I get the adress.txt file and where I save adress.txt file...

Can you try to explain the Shortcuts? If we have no need to download, that would be better.

I just save the current location into a file. Then, lets say each hours, I run the shortcut with an load the adress saved in the file and compare it to actual location...then if the distance between those 2 adress is greater than 5 km it perform different action...and save again the adress...

In short, if I move 5km or more... it update the position inside different instance that I use to automate my phone, notifications, smart home things...etc...

that one is to check for meteo and update linked instances...


Thanks for trying. But I do not see what you do to load the adress saved in the file. Adding images (you may need to use Your Answer instead of comments) would help.

here is how I get and save the adress

its : get text from actual location, then save text as adress.txt file

or get document adress.txt , then get text from document...

same for saving

here is how I get and save the adress...

shortcuts adress with wrong character