According to the documentation for DateComponentsFormatter UnitsStyle .abbreviated, this style (abbreviated) should create a string like “9h 41m 30s”. In some circumstances, eg MacOS target with import Foundation, the result is "9h 41min. 30s.", which is a sort-of mix between .brief and .abbreviated.
In my SwiftUI multi-platform app (MacOS & iOS) the incorrect (mixed) style is generated for both platforms. Using Playground, the mixed formatting occurs when the platform is set to MacOS, but not iOS with either import UIKit or import Foundation.
Is this a bug, or a "featured" difference between MacOS and iOS?
My multi-platform function is
import Foundation
public func strDuration(_ duration: TimeInterval, style: DateComponentsFormatter.UnitsStyle = .abbreviated) -> String {
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
formatter.unitsStyle = style
formatter.maximumUnitCount = 3
return formatter.string(from: duration) ?? "n/a"
Regards, Michaela