Can't add new email address with iCloud+ Custom Domain

I've set up a couple of domains (seemingly) successfully with iCloud+ Custom Domains. All the DNS entries are correct.

Now, when I attempt to add an email address I get the error "There was a problem with adding this email address. Please try again later."

This has been happening for over 24 hours. I'm not quite sure how to proceed - I know this is in Beta, but I keep reading how it is working for other people so its hard to think this is a general problem.

I'm adding entirely new domains so there is no chance that the email addresses are previously known by Apple / used for a previous AppleID.

Any ideas please?

I'm experiencing this issue as well. I've tried multiple domains with multiple different TLDs, multiple usernames (short and long ones), and multiple browsers. No luck—I get the "There was a problem adding this email address. Try again later." error each time.

I have the same error "There was a problem adding this email address. Try again later.", I can't even get to the DNS entries section.

Well apparently this feature is now out of Beta with the launch of iOS 15 and is available for configuration on standard

AND YET I still cannot add any email addresses after configuring brand new domains.

How many characters are your addresses? I am trying to create an email with 2 (two) characters before the @. I know has a limitation on the amount of characters you can use in an email address and I wonder if this limitation is not pulled through to the Custom iCloud+ domains feature.

Getting the same issue with same error code.

I have a suspicion that this might be due to being an Apple One subscriber but having separate iCloud and App Store accounts - in that case you are billed via the App Store account, but iCloud+ gets added to the iCloud account. I wonder if this is making it look like I don't have iCloud+ as the account I am logged in on is not the billing account which leads to this generic error.

Can anyone else who has this exact error confirm whether or not they have a similar setup please?

Tried mine today and just worked?

  • I have an address from MobileMe days
  • I am an AppleOne subscriber

Did nothing different besides try on Safari browser on newly updated to iOS 15 iPhone. Doubt this was the solution, but now working?

Alright scrap that - it's working! 🙌

Also did nothing differently than when I tried late last night.

I can confirm it's working for me now as well!

Still not working for me.


Rule (from Apple):

  • You need to have one address that will administer your new domain.
  • You need to verify this address
  • This has to be done before you point your MX at apple
  • You need to press the verify button to have Apple send a verification link
  • But: this email cannot ever have been an ApplieID - so not used for any apple product ever.

Your problem:

  • You login to Apple with *janedoe @ - its your personal AppleID and you bought iCloud+ with it
  • You own the domain and use it for your work - but its costing money to host and you already pay for iCloud+
  • You have janedoe @ as your email, and its already an AppleID
  • You want to receive email with janedoe @ on Apple iCloud+ custom domain email but the above rules are blocking you

Solution / workaround:

  • Ensure your email domain - call is currently hosted and receiving email - say with GoDaddy or whoever
  • Dream up a new email name - eg help or admin or support @ - that has never been an Apple address
  • Ensure that email alias help , account or whatever can receive email at your current host
  • You might be able to do it by creating a "catch-all" address - google for that + your current email host
  • Start here:
  • Send a verify email address request to admin @ via Apple's 4 step wizard
  • Go to your current host and verify the address.
  • Go back to
  • Get the instructions to update your hosting to point your MX records to Apple
  • Make sure "Allow all incoming messages" is turned on - here:
  • Wait some time - make a coffee
  • Go and click the check button and you should now be all set up on your new custom domain.

You should find that you can now send email to janedoe @ it will turn up in the inbox on the iCloud account, when you login in. This is because of the "Allow all incoming messages".

  • Go here and log in with your Apple ID that owns the iCloud+ account
  • Click through to email settings and you can see the email addresses that you have access with.


  • Its difficult to send email as the janedoe @ account - you don't have it in the dropdown
  • Third party email clients might allow that - could try Thunderbird, using an Apple ID app specific password.

The above works for me since I just want to be able to monitor that address. If I really need to respond to an email I can do it as help @

Can't add new email address with iCloud+ Custom Domain