Transfer developer account to a new computer?

Hello, I've just got a new computer and now I want to transfer my developer account (certificates, keys etc.) to the new computer. Right now my developer membership has expired since I'm not doing any apps right now, but I might start again in the future.

I'm not sure if I need to transfer anything, or if I will just get new certificates and keys when (if) I restart my membership?

What do I need do, before I reset my old computer? I have developed apps for both for iOS and macOS.

Answered by robnotyou in 687898022

From Xcode > Preferences > Accounts...
• Click the tiny cog icon at the bottom, then select
• "Export Apple ID and Code Signing Assets"

This creates a .developerprofile file (enter a password, to secure it)

Then from the new machine:
• "Import Apple ID and Code Signing Assets"

Accepted Answer

From Xcode > Preferences > Accounts...
• Click the tiny cog icon at the bottom, then select
• "Export Apple ID and Code Signing Assets"

This creates a .developerprofile file (enter a password, to secure it)

Then from the new machine:
• "Import Apple ID and Code Signing Assets"

Is there a way to do it without xcode?

If you don’t have Xcode installed then you’re responsible for managing all your code signing assets. In that case you need to move them over yourself.

Or not. In most cases you can just re-create all the necessary assets on your new Mac.

IMPORTANT There is one critical exception here, namely Developer ID signing identities. These are precious, as discussed in this post. If you have Developer ID signing identities on your old Mac, use Keychain Access to export them to a .p12 file and back up that file somewhere safe. Then import that file into the keychain on your new Mac.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Developer ID certificate don’t expire when applied to a shipping product. That is, when macOS checks the validity of a Developer ID signed app, it checks that the certificate was valid at the time that the app was signed.

This, btw, is the reason that Developer ID signed code must include a secure timestamp.

You will need to renew your Developer ID certificates in order to sign new code. I don’t have any concrete details to share on that front. I did this for my individual account at one point, and I don’t remember it giving me any grief, but I couldn’t find any documentation that goes into the details.

I mean, do expired certificates count against the limit of five? Because, I would like to know if there is any reason to keep the backups when the certificates expire?

I don’t think your question makes sense. What would you do to not “keep the backups”? You can’t revoke a Developer ID certificate without impacting your previously shipped apps. Revoking a Developer ID certificate is a Big Deal™, which is why doing it is a manual process that you should only follow if it’s been compromised. See the support article I referenced in my previous post.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I had to do this, also create a provisioning profile, export developer profile from Xcode , export the two certificates I saw on my system keychain access regarding to apple developer.

On the virtual machine, import the certificates exported from the keychain , add it to System ( not to login ) , in Xcode, import the developer profile, in the App, instead of Xcode managing the provisioning profile, select to import and select the provision profile you made at ( be sure to select iOS , on the devices show all and select all Macs and phones.. and everything ;)

Then create the Archive, right click + show in finder. copied the xarchive to my sequoia os machine, and upload from there

Transfer developer account to a new computer?