Radeon 6800 ray tracing support in Metal.

Does Metal support utilizing the ray tracing acceleration hardware available in the Radeon 6000 series GPUs?

Can the 6000 series run the WWDC20 session 10012: Discover Ray Tracing with Metal demo?

Do any AMD GPUs support it or only the Intel integrated ones? The WWDC session video shows a sample forest scene running on a Mac Pro with the W5000 series AMD GPU.

Please see: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/651077

Answered by Apple Designer in 687924022

Metal raytracing, from an API perspective, should be supported on these new GPUs. So applications which depend on that feature should work. As a developer, you can query for device support with the MTLDevice instance properties supportsRaytracing and supportsRaytracingFromRender. The current Metal raytracing implementation uses a GPU approach, but currently does not use the hardware ray tracing acceleration features you are specifically referring to.

Accepted Answer

Metal raytracing, from an API perspective, should be supported on these new GPUs. So applications which depend on that feature should work. As a developer, you can query for device support with the MTLDevice instance properties supportsRaytracing and supportsRaytracingFromRender. The current Metal raytracing implementation uses a GPU approach, but currently does not use the hardware ray tracing acceleration features you are specifically referring to.

Radeon 6800 ray tracing support in Metal.