GPX 12.5.1 not showing GPX files

A few of us are having problems with GPX files in Xcode 12.5.1 while having Xcode 13 beta 5 installed.

When running our app, the list doesn't show any locations from the GPX files in our project, although they are added and recognised. Xcode 13 does show the GPX files, without any changes to the project nor the GPX files.

We've tried removing the Xcode cache using rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/ also, just to be sure, we've tried different command line tools... both without success. I'm not sure if this is due to the beta installed, or just a coincidence.

Does anybody recognise this problem and was able to fix it?

Example Xcode 12.5.1:

Example Xcode 13 beta 5:

having same issue; any solution to this yet? have xcode 13.3.1

Same Problem here, if one chooses "Add GPS Exchange to Workspace" the GPX-files are grey so you can't choose them. Xcode 13.2.1 MacOS 11.6.5

GPX 12.5.1 not showing GPX files