Does the new APNs Provider API require provisioning profiles?

I have been trying to migrate to the new APNs Provider API.

I have successfully generated a new CSR, registered a new App ID, obtained a provider certificate from Apple, installed the certificate and private key on my provider server, and tested using my certificate to make a connection to APNs using this command:

openssl s_client -connect "${APNS_HOST_NAME}":443 -cert "${CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME}" -certform DER -key "${CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE_NAME}" -keyformat PEM

Then I Used The Following Command To Send A Push Notification:

% curl -v --header "apns-topic: ${TOPIC}" --header "apns-push-type: alert" --cert "${CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME}" --cert-type DER --key "${CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE_NAME}" --key-type PEM --data '{"aps":{"alert":"test"}}' --http2  https://${APNS_HOST_NAME}/3/device/${DEVICE_TOKEN}

The HTTP status: 200 (request succeeded), and delivery of a notification with the text “test”on my destination device.

Now I would like to use an existing API that uses APNs to send messages on iOS. I am ready to add the request header fields that seem to be required now.

Are provisioning profiles still required for APNs development for iOS? I did not see it mentioned in Apple's Documentation.

User Notifications

Setting Up a Remote Notification Server

Generating a Remote Notification

Sending Notification Requests to APNs

Sending Push Notifications Using Command-Line Tools

Changing the APNs Provider API does not change anything with building the app. You still need provisioning profiles to build the app. On the other hand, changing the provider API does not require you to change and/or rebuild the app itself.

Does the new APNs Provider API require provisioning profiles?