Start iOS app in foreground from watch App, similar to camera app behavior

Hi! I've been working on a watch app/watch app extension for my iOS app. This app doesn't support running without an iOS app installation. It requires an app to work, it exposes certain controls to execute actions when the counterpart app (iOS app) is opened.

I would like to add a similar interaction like the watchOS camera app and the iOS camera app have: when the iOS app is not active, for example in the background or not opened, show a button in the watch app to open the counterpart app in the foreground.

I've been reading many posts about opening a counterpart app, and it looks like it is not possible, unless using Notifications, so it's the user that starts the action and put the app in the foreground. Some other developers suggests using Handoff, or WatchConnectivity sendMessage with reply handler. I haven't found a way to process an incoming message and transition the iOS app from background to foreground programmatically, not even with custom URLs.

  • Is it possible for a third-party app not Apple built-in to have a similar experience like camera watchOS and iOS apps?
  • Which APIs and mechanism should I use to achieve that behavior?


Start iOS app in foreground from watch App, similar to camera app behavior