Hello, I am a developer for a custom keyboard extension. I want to report an issue about UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification.
My keyboard extension has a function that increases the keyboard height when enabled. However, the hosting app do NOT always get the UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification on such changes, causing unpredictable layout problems in the host.
Here is my setup: Xcode 13 Beta5, iOS 14.7.1 on iPhone 11 Pro. I debugged with a UITextField in a dummy application.
The problem can be reproduced with the following steps:
- Launch the keyboard in the dummy app.
- Toggle some function that changes the keyboard height. Here the UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification is NOT received in the host sometimes.
- Return to home and re-open the host, where the keyboard resumes its normal height. Here the UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification is NOT received in the host sometimes.
From my experience, this issue has been around for years and we still get complaints from our users every month. Leave a comment if you had the same issue :)