SkProduct.priceLocale.currencyCode is null on iOS 15

Before iOS14, that property is never null, however it is null since iOS 15 beta. For example, its value for Japanese product is always "JPY" before iOS 14, while it is null on iOS 15. Is this bug ? Or should we use another way to get currency code since iOS 15 ?

Hi, yes it looks like this is a known bug. Unfortunately, I don’t see any workarounds for this issue and don’t have a timeline for when it will be fixed, but it is a high priority issue for the team.

Seems like the priceLocale have an issue as well. While it has both of a language code and a region code on iOS 14 or earlier, it has only a language code on iOS 15. Therefore, it can not be used as a locale value of NumberFormatter when showing the price on a subscription screen.

It seems that this issue have been fixed since this week. I suppose something at server side may be fixed.

Is this fixed already?

SkProduct.priceLocale.currencyCode is null on iOS 15