Face Anti Spoofing model does not seem to work with iOS 14

In the past we have tested iOS 13 and iOS 12 iPhone 6, 6s, and 10 with the face anti spoofing. It was working. However, with iOS 14, we have learned that the input from camera is not working with face anti spoofing. The image taken from camera is producing poor scores on whether the face (in image) is a real person. The machine learning model works by reading the pixels and checks for many things, including the depth of the face, the background of the head, and whether there appears to be image manipulation in the pixel. we are very confident we have not changed our app in anyway, so we are asking if there has been any changes made to the iOS 14 camera that affected the image being outputted to the public func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection). Currently, the model works great on Android phones.

Face Anti Spoofing model does not seem to work with iOS 14