Seeing a potential bug with Timers in HomePod 14.7

Per the title, I’ve found an issue where the Timers function of HomePods running 14.7 are not working as designed. 

Specifically whether you set the Timer on an iOS device OR attempt directly on the HomePod they fail in different yet similar ways

Setting on iPhone

You will either not see the New Timer button in the Home app or you will and it will allow you to set one BUT when it gets to 00:00 the sound never goes off and when you click the x to cancel, the timer never goes away. 

Setting on HomePod Directly

You say ‘hey Siri set an x second time’ and then get presented with a couple of responses based on this issue. I’m classing them as below:

Worst Case - ‘Somethings gone wrong’ - doesn't even appear to attempt setting timer

Middle Case - ‘x second timer starting now’ - but then doesn't sound at the end of the timer, doesn’t register in Home App and if you ask ‘hey Siri how long’s left on my timer’ it will respond ‘there are no timers set’

Best Case - ‘x second timer starting now’ then sounds the timer alarm whether set by the Home App to the HomePod in question OR whether set by voice on the HomePod directly and you can view the timer counting down in the Apple Home App

Full resets of network infrastructure and even HomePod resets do NOT resolve issue. With that said I have 1 HomePod out of a few that is working without issue. Therefore I believe that 1 could assist in fault isolation and ultimate resolution but haven't found anything different about that one yet. 

For clarity, all Siri requests that involve Internet are working fine and even setting an Alarm or controlling HomeKit works fine. In other words everything else is good EXCEPT the Timers function. Is there a particular port/service that is required for this specific functionality ?

I've tested this on both iOS 15 beta (for iPhone testing) and against standard iOS 14 (release version) and the same issue occurs. HomePods like I said are running release version 14.7.

I've filed a bug too but mentioning here in case others have seen this. Thanks

  • +1 i have exactly the same problem

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