Based off the Apple documentation, I expected to see that the notification with the highest relevance score was featured in the Notification Summary. However, when sending several notifications from a single app with the new relevance score field, I am consistently seeing the most recent notification be featured in the Summary — not the one with the highest score. I am using Xcode 13 beta 5 and a device running iOS 15 beta 6.
This is the sample payload sent via APNs (with the relevance score being updated between sends):
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "Relevance score: 0.4",
"body": "body text here."
"interruption-level" : "active",
"relevance-score" : 0.4
I have also confirmed that the UNNotificationContent object has the relevance score field populated with the expected double when receiving the push on the device.