Beacon region triggered notifications no longer trigger on iOS 15

UNNotificationRequests with a UNLocationNotificationTrigger created using a CLBeaconRegion can be scheduled and are returned in the pending list when the getPendingNotificationRequests method is called on UNUserNotificationCenter.

However, they never trigger based on beacon region entry or exit.

This is a change in behavior from iOS 14.

I can't find any reference to this change in the WWDC21 presentations. Can anyone confirm if this change is intentional and documented anywhere or likely a bug.

So, iPhone event is now scheduled, 9/14. I've not gotten any response on this forum, or on the feedback report I've submitted, so it looks like my customers are all going to be dead in the water because of this. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

Hi @davidhelms,

Have you found any solution to this problem. I am facing a similar issue with my app. If i totally kill my app, go out of the beacon range, wait for 5 minutes, come back into the region again, my app used to wake up automatically below iOS 15 (iOS 14, iOS 13 & 12) and i was able to perform actions.

But since I updated my phone to iOS 15, my app would wake up sometimes while entering the region, but a point comes when it stops detecting the region any further and i eventually have to restart my phone.

Were you able to solve this problem ?

@aliraza0801 I think you are describing a slightly different problem, but having said that, the problem I was experiencing appears to have been addressed in iOS 15.1 Beta 2, so I would download the latest beta and retest.

Hi @davidhelms, Same issue for me as well. UNNotificationRequest with a UNLocationNotificationTrigger created using a CLBeaconRegion is never triggered on entry/exit. How the test with iOS 15.1 Beta 2 turned out for you? Can't find any mentions of this issue in iOS 15.1 release notes.

@samoilyk fixed in 15.1 beta 2, continues to function as expected in 15.1 beta 3

We are getting reports that this problem has cropped up again in ios17. We will do additional testing to confirm, but I fear that our customers are going to have a major interruption of service as a result of this.

Beacon region triggered notifications no longer trigger on iOS 15