I am having issues with a specific CoreML model's initialization under iOS 15
- iOS 15 build 19A5318f on iPhone 11
- App built with Xcode 13.0 (13A5212g) targeting iOS 13.0
The code basically looks like this
let configuration = MLModelConfiguration()
configuration.computeUnits = .all
let t0 = CACurrentMediaTime()
let model = try MyModelGeneratedClass(configuration: configuration).model
let t1 = CACurrentMediaTime()
print("Loading time: \(t1 - t0)")
When running that code I see a few errors in the console:
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
Error: Convolution configuration cannot fit in KMEM (Given: 258048b, Max: 65536b)
and then the app hangs, until finally
Loading time: 116.33786087499993"
(it always is around 2 minutes)
If I change the configuration so that
configuration.computeUnits = .cpuAndGPU
then everything works fine;
Did I miss something ? The CoreML SDK just hanging there for 2 minutes definitely looks like an iOS 15 bug