problem with code signing

I am unable to complete the build of a unity iOS app as I am getting a code signing error. Anyone got any hints for me please.


Is this following a tutorial or is this a personal project? Can you go to the Unity-iPhone target and under 'Signing and Capabilities' are there any errors shown here? Is it being automatically managed by Xcode?

It was set to manual. I had tried automatic and got an error as in the screenshot here.

I do not know how to solve this one either.

What is unityFramework ? Is it one of yours ? If so, check how it was signed.

Also, update project settings as recommended in the Issues navigator panel.

This is a Unity project which delivers an iOS project for distribution. I have tried changing the build to automatic in xcode on my macbook but that does not work. I thank you for the help provided. I will raise a request in the Unity forum.

I have got a problem here. I have checked my details on and confirm my id and team id but I do not have any profiles so where is xcode getting the provisioning profile ed56de56-24f3-4e05-b90f-8c0fdb454ce0 from?

  • I have subsequently found a bug in Unity build settings process. If I do not select automatic signing it requires a provisioning profile id. If you enter one and then decide to switch to automatic signing the provisioning app id is not changed to "Automatic" as it should be according to the message I received. I will update my Unity forum ticket. This problem is now solved.

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