My Enterprise App not able to download from the server anymore

Until iOS 14.4, My Enterprise App can be download and installed normally. But after a iPhone that upgrade to 14.5 or later, It can't install the Enterprise App.

The Error Message like this

Unable To Install "My APP" Please try again later.

And underlying error in console like this:

default 13:04:44.961180+0900    installd    Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
default 13:04:44.961802+0900    installd    Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
default 13:04:44.962209+0900    installd    +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
default 13:04:44.962342+0900    installd    +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
default 13:04:44.963551+0900    installcoordinationd    -[IXSClientConnection _remote_prioritizeCoordinatorForAppWithBundleID:completion:]: No coordinator found for <My app bundle id> and app is not vendable by App Store or is a hard error (1) so showing alert.
default 13:04:44.963618+0900    installcoordinationd    -[IXSErrorPresenter presentErrorForBundleIDs:code:underlyingError:errorSource:]: Asked to present alert for error 1 source App Store underlying error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "Canceled" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://<the server ip:port>/down/client/ipa, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://<the server ip:port>down/client/ipa, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
    "LocalDataTask <93E0FA8C-059B-4C9C-8901-DD840192E5F9>.<1>"
), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <93E0FA8C-059B-4C9C-8901-DD840192E5F9>.<1>, NSLocalizedDescription=Canceled} for bundle IDs (
    "<My app bundle id>"

I have no idea to solve this problem, because there is less documentation about the OTA installation for Enterprise App.

Please Help.

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I'm having the same issue when trying to install my Enterprise app from Xcode server OTA install button. Please share the information how you solved this issue. I'm using Xcode 13.2.1

My Enterprise App not able to download from the server anymore