Fall Detection Entitlement Request

When I run watch app I got crash because I am using CMFallDetectionManager but I have added key in .plist Fall Detection Usage Description , when I run the watch app I got this error Fall Detection entitlement is required for this API

so I read the documentation it says To apply for the entitlement, see Fall Detection Entitlement Request but when I click on the clink Fall Detection Entitlement Request I got this message The Apple ID you signed in with does not have permission to view this page.

You must be the Account Holder for your Apple Developer Program team to request this entitlement.

I have requested entitlement but what is next step. No one has answer about this. Apple will approve this entitlement so apple will provide any file which has to be integrated in our watch os application to simulate the fall

What's the next step after the entitlement is approved by Apple?? There is nothing helpful in the documentation!

I was able to fix that error. And I actually wrote an article about the all steps. Here is the article https://medium.com/@saifullahsajid/fall-detection-api-in-swift-for-watchos-e4446b36a174

Fall Detection Entitlement Request