iOS Beta 15 AVURLAsset wrong duration

Hey there,

I'm figuring issues with iOS beta 15, the AVURLAsset object from AVPlayerItem does not return the correct duration anymore !

I'm streaming mp3 file through AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem, and there is no problem on iOS 14 and lower.

I'm observing the duration from the AVPlayerItem.

Am I the only one ?

Accepted Reply

If the behavior changed in an unexpected way in the new release, please file a bug using the feedback assistant. Ideally you would provide a sample app we could build & run to reproduce the problem. If that isn't possible for some reason, at least the mp3 file you used would be necessary for us to investigate.

One question off the bat: Are you using AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey?


If the behavior changed in an unexpected way in the new release, please file a bug using the feedback assistant. Ideally you would provide a sample app we could build & run to reproduce the problem. If that isn't possible for some reason, at least the mp3 file you used would be necessary for us to investigate.

One question off the bat: Are you using AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey?

Hey !

Thanks a lot, that was the fix I needed ! Looks like in iOS 15, the duration is less precise than in lower versions :D

Thanks !