What happens if you apply a NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot without animation?


My UICollectionViewCell has a subview UIImageView, which has a mask CALayer that I control and that I add animations to. Recently, I noticed that the animation wasn't working and I was wondering why. I finally figured out that it depends on whether I apply my NSDIffableDataSourceSnapshot animated or not. The animation would only work as expected, if the snapshot is applied animated.

This raised a question: What happens if the snapshot is applied without animation? And why is it affecting CABasicAnimation on a CALayer?

I haven't found a solution for it yet, so I wanted to ask here in case anybody knows what's up.

imageView.layer.mask = animationLayer

let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "locations")
/// ...
animationLayer.add(animation, forKey: "shimmer")

This code runs when the cell is gathered from the collection view for an index path.

dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false)

Is there any way to apply a snapshot without animation while keeping animations within the cell working correctly?
