I test with VLC as RTSP audio client on MacOS. Every 5 minutes, I hear noise. The noise continue for 3 sec, happens every 5 min exactly.
During noise period, kernel_task use +25% CPU for 3 sec, Console->wifi.log put message staring with
SCAN request received from pid ??? (locationd) with priority=2, qos=-1 (default), frontmost=no
I checked Wireshark, it receives RTP/UDP packets every 20ms. But during noise period, no package for 140ms. That makes no sound period and noise.
If I disable WiFi and use Ether cable, the noise is gone.
If I disable Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Location Services, the noise is gone.
Is there any way to receive RTP/UDP package during locationd's scan?
My environment:
macOS Big Sur ver 11.4 iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) VLC 3.0.16(Intel 64bit)