Suppressing verbose console output - SwiftUI / MacOS Monterey

Is there anyway to suppress the very verbose console output I am getting with MacOS Monterey and SwiftUI code? Here's a snippet of the output:

2021-07-20 09:58:18.267602+0100 BBCFTEST[19341:1880374] IMKInputSession (deactivate) CFRunLoopObserver kCFRunLoopExit (State change BEGIN) - innerRunLoopCount=1, otherInnerRunLoopDetected=0
2021-07-20 09:58:18.267637+0100 BBCFTEST[19341:1880374] IMKInputSession (deactivate) CFRunLoopObserver kCFRunLoopExit (State change END) - innerRunLoopCount=0, otherInnerRunLoopDetected=0
2021-07-20 09:58:18.270063+0100 BBCFTEST[19341:1880374] IMKInputSession (deactivate) CFRunLoopRunInMode exited, (kCFRunLoopRunStopped)
2021-07-20 09:58:18.270109+0100 BBCFTEST[19341:1880374] IMKInputSession (deactivate) CFRunLoopRunInMode (kIMKXPCPrivateRunLoopMode) ] RunLoopFinished(1)/Stopped(2) - Run result = 2, (Invocation already done = 1) (Sentinel IsZombie = 0)
2021-07-20 09:58:18.270147+0100 BBCFTEST[19341:1880374] IMKInputSession (deactivate) CFRunLoopRunInMode() LOOP DONE!

Agree with this. It started going berserk when I upgraded to Xcode 13 beta 3.

I should add this is with Xcode 13 beta 3.

Still does it with Xcode 13 Beta 4 :(

I still get this with beta 5. I'm not even using SwiftUI - I'm building a Swift MacOS app. It's very irritating.

So do I (beta 5). Is there any kind of a mask that would allow to filter out at least some of the messages?

I've resorted to prefixing any console output with a unique string, say peggers then filtering this in the console window. The issue is though that I might miss an important output from somewhere not in my code, drawing my eye to an issue. But such output is swamped anyway at the moment.

I'll be really interested in a solution. Getting this verbal diarrhea, is really annoying.

Suppressing verbose console output - SwiftUI / MacOS Monterey