iOS15 Beta 3 Callkit not displaying correct caller text

In iOS15 beta3 I get an incoming call. The text that I send as the caller is

Brad Smith (PBX:142}

When the incoming call screen appears it shows


as the caller

If I look at the recent calls in the native phone App it shows it correctly as

Brad Smith (PBX:142}

I setup the caller CXHandle as follows...

locHandle = [[CXHandle alloc] initWithType:CXHandleTypeGeneric value:numToCall];

Note 1: Everything works fine on iOS14

Note 2: Just for info... I use this format for special internal calls so as when return a recent call from the Native phone App then it can figure out the number to dial by searching for {PBX: and using the digits after it.

  • Further to this after further experimentation...

    Anything to the right of the Colon is shown but anything to the left of and including the Colon is not shown on the calling screen!!?

  • In addition to the issue with the Colon .. I also notice that Upper Case Letters are displayed as Lower Case So if I offer "Dave Maj" as the text then on the incoming Call Screen it shows as "dave maj" but later in the iPhone native phone App Recent list it is displayed correctly as "Dave Maj". This is all still happening in iOS15 Beta 6

  • I am having a similar issue that you made in your second comment about the lowercased letters. Were you ever able to sort this issue out?


You should use the localizedCallerName property to override the system provided value.

let update = CXCallUpdate()
update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: name)
update.localizedCallerName = name