I'm switching a remote Power Supply Unit on/off over the network. I need know if the PSU accepted the command, AND if at some future time it decides to switch itself off (or even on?). In other words I need feedback from the PSU to reflect it's current state via the very same Toggle that is sending the command. I hope that's all very clear.
Toggle("", isOn: $psu.isOn)
.toggleStyle(SwitchToggleStyle(tint: Color.green))
.onChange(of: psu.isOn, perform: { value in
request(action: .PSU, param: psu.name)
With my present code, I move the Toggle to on and the request asks the PSU to switch on. It sends back it's new status which informs the Toggle. The Toggle now thinks the status has changed, so it immediately toggles itself and sends a another request. At least I think that's what's happening.
The fact is, this message appears on the Xcode console:
onChange(of: Bool) action tried to update multiple times per frame
So, I'm hoping some kind person will be able to show me how to write better code that does what I really want. Thank you.
The workingdogintokyo solution does work. Unfortunately in my case, it would introduce too much bloatware that would be hard to maintain. There's little point in re-factoring only to then start adding loads of extra @Things all over the place So, I've decided to give up with those nice looking Toggles and just use plain old Buttons. They're not as elegant and they can't be customised as much as they can on iOS, but at least they work.
I have structs for various devices, but this is the one for the Power Supplies.
struct PowerSupplyControl: View {
@Binding var psu: PowerSupplyStatus
@EnvironmentObject var vm: ViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button(action: {
vm.request(action: .PSU, param: psu.name)
}, label: {
Text(psu.isOn ? "ON" : "OFF")
.foregroundColor(psu.isOn ? .green : .primary)
.frame(width: 40, alignment: .center)
Text(String(format: "%05.2f V", psu.voltage)).frame(width: 50, alignment: .trailing)
Text(String(format: "%05.2f A", psu.current)).frame(width: 50, alignment: .trailing)
Thanks again for all your time.