Just realized I am stuck on macOS 11.2 - No new software available

I just checked my macOS version as I thought it was odd I haven't seen any new updates lately and sure enough, even "softwareupdate -l" from Terminal returns "No new software available." What is going on here? According to apple.com the latest version as of today is macOS 11.4...


user@users-Mac ~ % sudo -i


users-Mac:~ root# softwareupdate -l

Software Update Tool

Finding available software

No new software available.

users-Mac:~ root# sw_vers 

ProductName: macOS

ProductVersion: 11.2

BuildVersion: 20D64

users-Mac:~ root# 

If you can't get it resolved you can always download 11.4 from the App Store.


I install Big Sur in an "official" way, being your machine compatible with them ..?

If it were not like that and you use a patch or program and want to upload macOS to the latest version, you should use those same programs that you did to patch and put Big Sur on non-compatible machines.

And if it weren't so, he did it normally. try reinstalling macOS Big Sur without deleting anything.

He already tells us how it went. regards

Try the update while booted in Safe Mode: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201262

If there's an add-on VPN client app around, remove it and restart and test the update again.

Just realized I am stuck on macOS 11.2 - No new software available