Screen Time Guardian App Questions

WWDC21 session 10123 shows a screen that implies the guardian instance of your app is able to select apps on your child's device to encourage or to control. In my experience with the API so far I can't see a way to do this. The API only seems to work on the child's phone. Here are my questions:

  1. Is there a suggested way to determine whether the app is running on a guardian device? The only way I can see is to attempt AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization and check for an error value of .invalidAccountType. But it seems you could get that error for other reasons too.

  2. Is there a way to present FamilyActivityPicker on the guardian device but have it show apps on the child's phone? I don't see any thing in the API for selecting a child account to access with `FamilyActivityPicker', it seems to only show the phone's user's apps (or no apps if it's the guardian's phone).

  3. After retrieving app tokens from 'FamilyActivityPicker' is there a recommended way to present to the user in the UI? The WWDC session shows an app icon and app name (i.e. "Books" and "Solar System"), but my understanding is that info is hidden from the developer for privacy reasons. So I'm wondering if the example in the session is really feasible.

Any findings or update you got respect to developing guardian app using screen time api?

Can't find the answers after the release of iOS 15. Did you find any solutions?

Please notify when answered.

Is there any update for the Guardian App?

if you set the family correctly the app that the child have should be presented on the picker on the parent i have a parent with iOS 15.0.2 and a child with iOS 15.1 and it seems to work (sort of)

i have to mentioned that the facebook app is an app i downloaded after using the screen time api on my app and this require a confirmation from the parent app

i did not managed to block or shield an app from the parent on the child because an authorization error i'm keep getting

i don't know why the icon of the app is missing on the child app



Hi, I'm also struggle same issue can u find any solutions for this

Facing same issue. Any update ?

Screen Time Guardian App Questions