




Debugging on iOS 15 is terribly slow in Xcode
I'm using Xcode 12 with iPhone 12 Pro. Everything worked fine on iOS 14. But after I updated my device to iOS 15 I’m getting the app's splash screen for more than a minute every time I build the app. I've also tried to use Xcode 13 with the iOS 15 device, and it also seems to be broken!  Moreover, when I use a breakpoint and it stops I need to wait for 30-50 seconds to step over or to continue program execution. Does anyone have these problems too?
Sep ’21
Cannot compile the project because of getting SwiftUI errors
I have a project with an iOS deployment target of 10.0. When I add some SwiftUI views to the project, I can build only debug configuration of it. But when I'm trying to compile the Release configuration, I see the errors like Cannot find type 'View' in scope, or Unknown attribute 'Binding', etc. As the project has an iOS 10 deployment target, I use the @available(iOS 13.0, *) attribute, like this: import SwiftUI @available(iOS 13.0, *) struct GiftView: View { ... } There is an interesting fact: when I increase the deployment target to iOS 11.0 the Release configuration compiles correctly. Additional details: the project is only the iPhone iOS deployment target (not iPadOS, macOS). the project uses CocoaPods (probably it somehow affects).
Mar ’21