App Store Connect API: intermittent "resource does not exist" errors on various calls

Hey all!

I've been using the App Store Connect API for a while now, and have been experiencing a recurring issue I don't understand. I've noticed that requests occasionally (and seemingly randomly) fail with this error message: "The specified resource does not exist". Retrying the request usually is successful.

Some examples of errors we've seen:

(Updating an edit version): "There is no resource of type 'appStoreVersions' with id ___" I checked after the fact, appStoreVersion model did exist with the given ID.

(Fetching list of versions): "The specified resource does not exist - There is no resource of type 'AppsV1' with id ___''" Same deal, checked and the models looked OK.

Thanks so much in advance for any advice or help debugging this!

Hey @bring10, I would strongly suggest opening a Feedback for this if you have not already! Below is the Feedback that I opened at the beginning of April this year.


Apple has communicated with me on this but has indicated the system is working as designed and that we should slow down our requests to their service.

Due to this I have put all of the API requests into loops with pre-determined attempt and wait counts based off of the API and my experiences along with adding support for understanding how to handle each new error code and message once they are encountered.

Make sure to file a Feedback for this but I encounter the same issue all of the time when working with the API and unfortunately have not been able to find a resolution with Apple.

App Store Connect API: intermittent "resource does not exist" errors on various calls