I sent a request to use Notification Serivce extension filtering entitlement for my app as below info but it was rejected.
My app needs to receive silent notification from backend even when it's forced quit (and/or reboot the phone). Once it received the silent notification from iOS notification service extension, it will schedule a local notification on user iPhone to show up at a specific time. For now, other APIs can’t support for this functionality, especially to support receiving the silent notification when app is forced quit (mentioned above).
Regarding above behavior, when the app receives the silent notification, the notification itself needs to include the title/body in its payload, in order to trigger the didReceive method in the app's notification service extension. So we need to add a token-like title/body text (e.g, "[[silent_notification]]") for it to trigger the didReceive method. However, showing this token-like title/body to the end-user doesn't make sense. So, we need to hide this trigger notification from the end-user, so they will only get the scheduled local notification at the specified time. That’s why we need to get this entitlements so the didReceive method can be able to hide it, otherwise it will show the original notification to end-user.
My extension only runs when it receive the silent notification sent from backend to wake up the extension & schedule the local notification.
My app's notification service extension can only be triggered when it receives the silent push notification from backend and the app is running in the background or forced quit.
Please advise !