How to boot into development kernel from KDK?


I have a MacBook Pro M1 that I'm trying to boot development kernel. The SW version is:

ProductName:	macOS
ProductVersion:	11.4
BuildVersion:	20F71

I follow /Library/Developer/KDKs/KDK_11.4_20F71.kdk/KDK_ReadMe.rtfd/TXT.rtf and disabled SIP and authenticated-root. I also copy over the kernels to a livemohnt and update nvram: nvram boot-args="-v kcsuffix=development"

Despite above changes, after reboot, I still don't see the OS booting using development kernel (sysctl kern.osbuildconfig shows I'm still running release.)

Anyone has any luck to enable development/debug/custom kernels on Big Sur?

Having the same issue here. Not only does the kern.osbuildconfig sysctl not return development, but as expected I'm also unable to reach parts of the kernel that are gated behind #if DEVELOPMENT macros. I would appreciate some guidance if you've already managed to solve this.


The KDK readme says:

Note: Apple silicon doesn’t support installing the kernel and kernel extension variants from the KDK.

So I think you just can't, even now, three major versions later.

How to boot into development kernel from KDK?