Amazon Alexa and iOS 15

I am running the latest iOS 15 beta but I am unable to run Alexa on it. It keeps saying there is no Internet connection. Is anyone else having this same issue?

Same issue for about a week.

Same here but it works in iPad IOS15 without any issues

I do have same issue

Same here. Works fine on WiFi. Use cellular option enabled in settings. Glad to see that it isn’t only me.

Seeing the same thing here as well. Alexa did release an update the other day. Did not fix it. Confirmed that this is an iOS15 issue as I have no issues on 14

If you have activated "Private Relay", deactivate it. That was the solution for me.

I been experiencing the same issue, if you go to Settings/ your Icloud name/ICloud/ Private Relay and turn it off this will fix the issue with Alexa App not having internet.

I notice as well that the following Apps not working correctly on Private Relay: Unifi Network App OKTA verification App HotSpot (your devices from the phone) Tesla App iRobot App (was not working on 5G but on LTE was working now they fixed it)

Same issue here until I figured out I had turned off my WiFi.

Same issue for me. Just upgraded last night. Alexa can’t connect today. Private relay is off

how Can I download Alexa App in Jordan 🇯🇴 , since it’s unavailable on Apple Store Jordan

Amazon Alexa and iOS 15