From examining some crashes in crashlytics I can see that for a smattering of users there is a problem occuring when using CallKit's Call Extension, however the error code is one which isn't documented.
The crash is reported as:
libswiftCore.dylib _diagnoseUnexpectedEnumCaseValue<A, B>(type:rawValue:) + 1272
And crash_info_entry_0 is
CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError(rawValue: 102)
The Apple documentation for CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError lists the same as in the code (
And here are the error codes which have values 0 to 8
public enum Code : Int {
public typealias _ErrorType = CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError
case unknown = 0
case noExtensionFound = 1
case loadingInterrupted = 2
case entriesOutOfOrder = 3
case duplicateEntries = 4
case maximumEntriesExceeded = 5
case extensionDisabled = 6
@available(iOS 10.3, *)
case currentlyLoading = 7
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
case unexpectedIncrementalRemoval = 8
So what is error 102 and why is it not documented?
Here is my code dealing with the error codes:
CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension(withIdentifier: Config.callExtensionIdentifier()) { error in
if let err = error as NSError? {
self.setLastAttemptToUpdateFailedKey(failed: true)
if let cdError = error as? CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError {
var debugString = ""
var seriousError = false
switch (cdError.code)
case .unknown: debugString = "Unknown error"
case .noExtensionFound: debugString = "No extension found"
case .loadingInterrupted: debugString = "Loading interrupted"
seriousError = true
case .entriesOutOfOrder: debugString = "Entries out of order"
seriousError = true
case .duplicateEntries: debugString = "Duplicate Entries"
seriousError = true
case .maximumEntriesExceeded: debugString = "Maximum entries exceeded"
case .extensionDisabled: debugString = "Extension disabled"
case .currentlyLoading: debugString = "Currently Loading"
case .unexpectedIncrementalRemoval: debugString = "Unexpected Incremental Removal"