I am able to see the list of Applications using the Family ActivityPicker on the child but not able to see it on the parent device. I can see the list of categories but there aren't any applications on each of the categories. My expectation is to see the applications which are installed on the child device. Please correct me if that is not the expected behavior.
The family sharing is setup correctly, and on requesting authorization, it does fail to get the authorization as expected, because it's the parent account.
I do see the correct behavior on the child device. I did provide authorization and I can see the list of applications inside the picker on Beta 2.
On the parent device I see the following errors in the console :
Connection error from Optional("com.apple.ManagedSettingsAgent"): Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
Attempts remaining: 1
Failed to fetch effective value for com.apple.ManagedSettings.effective-media-settings.changed: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
Failed to open usage store with error: The file “Store.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
Any ideas?