Hi, I want some advice on how to handle the OSSystemExtensionRequest.Result.willCompleteAfterReboot
on my app.
I have noticed that on some users macs when they update and the new System Extension is loaded the old one is deactivated and the new one is activated but does not start. I will only start after a reboot.
Is there a way to avoid this so I don't have to force dozens of users in my organization to reboot after every update to my system extension?
When i execute the command to list the extensions this is what I see. The new one is activated but it does not boot.
--- com.apple.system_extension.network_extension
enabled active teamID bundleID (version) name [state]
1231231231 com.organization.app.MyApp (2.0/1) MyApp [terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot]
* * 1231231231 com.organization.app.MyApp (2.1/1) MyApp [activated enabled]