ShazamKit 202 error

I'm creating a simple song-matching application. My steps are:

  1. I create a project in XCode.
  2. Set bundle ID.
  3. Select my team
  4. Create an identifier, in my developer account
  5. Inserting my bundle ID from Xcode
  6. Selecting my team's application ID
  7. Turn on ShazamKit in services

And after all that, I still get 202 error

Error Code=202 "Please check that you have enabled the ShazamKit App Service for this app identifier" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Please check that you have enabled the ShazamKit App Service for this app identifier}

What am I doing wrong? Could it have something to do with the code?

Are you running your app on the simulator or on device? Shazam Catalog recognition doesn’t work in simulated devices as mentioned on the Xcode Release Notes..

Hi ArthurPhilipenko

Please let me know if you are still seeing this issue. As 55ironpen answered it is not currently supported in the simulator, but it should now return a more informative message when doing so.

ShazamKit 202 error