4K AppleTV no audio to AirPod Pros

I'm working on implementing spatial audio on our tvOS app and I connected my 4K AppleTV to my AirPod Pro headphones for testing. I'm seeing an issue where during playback of a movie there is no audio during playback until I seek to a new position and then the audio is fine. Even if I back out and play a new content the audio still works, but ONLY after I skip back/forward 15 seconds, or click in the remote and seek to a new playback position. This issue doesn't exist when connected to a HomePod or through the TV speakers, only when I'm connected via AirPods. Also it is not only occurring when playback is initiated with the AirPod Pros connected. If I start off connected to audio through my HomePod the audio is fine, then I use PiP and in the Settings app switch to AirPods from the temporary audio screen and the audio goes out, switch back to HomePod and the audio returns. Anyone else run into this issue/have any suggestions?

Also this is happening on my dev build, the app we have in the AppStore built from Xcode 12.4 does not have this issue.

Edit: Noting that this is only happening on XCode 13 running to a device that has the tvOS 15 Beta.

4K AppleTV no audio to AirPod Pros