macOS app notarization not working at the moment?

I've been trying to get an app notarized for some time now and it doesn't seem to go through. The first time it took about 16 hours and was eventually cancelled. Now I've been running it again for 3 hours and still no response from Apple.

Notarization has been working fine for several months, and it's just yesterday that it started. Any idea if there's any problem with the service at the moment?

For information, this is the GitHub Action that's trying to notarize the app:


Same issue for me.. I also updated to XCode 12.5.1 and I have the same issue.

Tried again and it got cancelled after 6 hours of waiting. I will try to publish a new build to see if it makes a difference.

Turns out I needed to go the Apple developer website and accept the new T&C. The error message was hidden by GitHub Actions since they don't show the complete log while a script is still running.

Apple System Status says there has been an outage.

Developer ID Notary Service - Resolved Outage

Says yesterday 3:25 - 4:10 am

I'm assuming this is a US Pacific time reference.

It is reported to have been resolved but I'm still seeing the notarisation UUID error @ 6:40 pm California time.

Point for improvement. Localise the date/time references on system status.

On Apple System Status looks like Notary system is up and running but I have the same issue... tested few minutes ago. App Store Connect Operation Error Failed retreiving request UUID for upload

So waited ... 9 hours, tried again. Same error message. On Xcode 12.5.

Moved to Catalina, Xcode 12.4.

The error message is different. You must first sign the relevant contacts online (1048).

My company contracts are signed. I have no banners asking me to sign anything.

However, I'm still a member of defunct organisations that don't exist any more that are no longer in the program.

So from this retrograde approach, it seems that the error message might be (in my case) related to other organisations not signing off on their contracts. I just happen to be a member. Can't remove myself or contact the people who don't have an email there any more since they've left.

  • "Can't remove myself or contact the people who don't have an email there any more since they've left." << ohh yeah this is another issue for the team members management... once you accepted to join.. you can't leave anymore :))...

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So waited ... 9 hours, tried again. Same error message.

I’ll respond over on this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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