Automatic Strong Passwords and Confirm Password Field

i currently have a Sign Up (registration) view with three text fields:

Email Address, Password, and Confirm Password.

The email address field has its textContentType set to .username, and both the passwords fields have it set to .newPassword.

After entering the email address, tapping into the password field automatically autofills the password field with a strong password, but never autofills the confirm password field.

The only way i have seen it autofill both password fields is if the user taps into the password field without entering an email address first.

Since the email address field precedes both the password fields on the screen, it is unlikely the user will choose to enter a password first.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, is there a way to get it to autofill both the password fields?

This feature has been around since iOS 12 and i am experiencing this issue on iOS 14.6.

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