DragGesture translation reporting incorrect values

I'm building a SwiftUI macOS app.

I've got a basic Rectangle shape with a drag gesture on it. In the onEnded handler, I am wanting to determine if the user has effectively tapped on the object. I do this by checking that the width and height of the translation are both zero.

(There are reasons I'm not using a tap gesture).

    .size(.init(width:50, height: 50))
                .onChanged { gesture in
                    // Ommited
                .onEnded { gesture in
                    print("startLocation", gesture.startLocation)
                    print("start", gesture.location)
                    print("translation", gesture.translation)
                    if gesture.translation == .zero {


I'm getting issues where translations are being reported with unexpected values.

The values reported differ based on where I click in the rectangle.

Here's a set of groups of individual clicks. The translation is derived from the startLocation and location fields.

You can see variation between the startLocation and the location fields. If it was a very small variation I could debounce, however the fact that sometimes I get a value of 3 makes me wonder why such a variation could happen (I'm being over the top careful to execute the click without movement).

Does anyone know why this variation is creeping in?

startLocation (263.5149841308594, 144.3092803955078)
start (263.51495361328125, 144.30926513671875)
translation (-3.0517578125e-05, -1.52587890625e-05)

startLocation (276.2882995605469, 144.43479919433594)
start (276.288330078125, 144.434814453125)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 1.52587890625e-05)

startLocation (274.3827209472656, 162.3402557373047)
start (274.38275146484375, 162.34027099609375)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 1.52587890625e-05)

startLocation (264.81805419921875, 167.47662353515625)
start (264.81805419921875, 167.47662353515625)
translation (0.0, 0.0)

startLocation (254.5931396484375, 135.4690399169922)
start (254.5931396484375, 135.46905517578125)
translation (0.0, 1.52587890625e-05)

startLocation (259.1647033691406, 140.26919555664062)
start (259.16473388671875, 140.26919555664062)
translation (3.0517578125e-05, 0.0)

just an observation, you are not getting 3, it's 3e-05 = 0.00003 a very small number.

Thanks for pointing this out, I missed it completely.. Will still be interested to hear why the positioning results change based on where I click in the Rectangle (i.e why repeated clicks in one spat can have .zero translation, whilst repeated clicks in others don't)

DragGesture translation reporting incorrect values