Inconsistent HomeKit identifiers

My app Homie allows users to pin certain values, accessories or scenes to their menu bar for quick access, such as HMAccessory.

To remember which devices and accessories a user has pinned to the Menu Bar, I store their uniqueIdentifier.

However, I noticed that from time to time this uniqueIdentifier changes (this often happens after restarting the computer or installing a macOS software update). In this case, the device is not re-identified and the pinned-status is lost. The user is confused, because they think my app didn't store their information probably. And I am confused because the identifier is not consistent across app-starts.

For reference: I am not asking to have consistent identifiers between different devices, I am asking to have consistent identifiers on the very same device.

Reference: FB9052957

Did you get any answer regarding this?

Inconsistent HomeKit identifiers