Looking for a solution to replace UILocalNotifications


I am using the (deprecated) UILocalNotification class in my app right now, because it fulfills a need that the UserNotification framework doesn't fulfill even 5 years after it was introduced. In my app, users can setup 'reminders' for different tasks, and those could be one-off tasks, or repeating tasks that start from a particular date/time. The UserNotifications system doesn't work with the latter requirement; it doesn't allow for you to setup a repeating alert which starts at a specific date/time. You can either setup a one-off alert in the future, or you can setup a repeating alert which starts as soon you set it up. As an example, I want to be reminded to call a friend of mine every week, from July 10th onward ... with the UserNotification framework, setting a 'repeat' will mean it'll fire an alert every week, starting from today.

So what's the best way to build a solution to this? Is there a way to 'intercept' the alert before it's shown (if it's before the date we want it to start firing)? Should I be looking at some 3rd-party services to do this remotely?


Offloading the alert logic to your servers and implementing push notifications (whether using a 3rd party push provider service, or maintaining your own push server), then sending these notifications at the intervals you wish, and developing notification scheduling as complicated as you can is definitely an option.

Currently there is no way to accomplish what you want using local notifications.

Looking for a solution to replace UILocalNotifications