ML API for handwriting to text

Is there a Machine Learning API that can take handwriting (either as a bitmap or as a list of points) and convert it to text?

I know Scribble can be used to allow handwriting input into text fields, but in this API it is Scribble which controls the rendering of the handwriting. Is there an API where my app can render the handwriting and get information about the text content?

In the Keynote demo Craig was able to get text content from a photo of a whiteboard. Are there APIs which would allow an app developer to create something similar?

Vision can perform OCR on images to extract text but it's not the same API used by Scribble to recognise handwritten input. Vision perform poorly on handwritten text and Scribble can't let you do your own rendering.

Google's has an iOS library called ML Kit. It can recognise handwriting text from list of points. I didn't use it in production. Maybe someone could share their experiences if they had.

ML API for handwriting to text